Thursday 4 December 2014

A Cup of Tea for Healthy Living - Herbal Tea and its Benefits

On a cold winter day nothing is more soothing than a cup of herbal tea. Besides being  tasty, warm, free from caffeine, herbal tea has lots of other wonderful health benefits. Some of its benefits are relaxing a troubled  tummy, reliving insomnia and it also helpsin relaxing a stressed mind.  Herbs in such tea have a lot of healing powers. It is also a great source of vitamins and minerals.
What is a Herbal Tea
Herbal tea is an infusion of leaves, seeds, roots or bark  extracted in hot water. By drinking a cup of herbal tea, we get all the benefits of the plants in a digestible form. Drinking herbal tea every day, can bring all sorts of significant changes to one's mood, skin, and brings in a sense of well-being.

There are many wonderful herbal teas from which we can choose. Here are a few of them:

1. Peppermint Tea:
    This tea is especially good for bloating, gas and indigestion. Peppermint tea works by relaxing the muscles of     stomach. Drink one cup which can be followed by another after sometime if required.

2. Lemongrass Tea:
    Lemongrass is commonly found. It has a very good aroma. It helps to dilate blood vessels which help to         increase the flow of blood. it is also a mild diuretic. persons having problems of blood pressure can have this         tea. It is also an effective antibacterial and digestive drink.

Lemongrass Tea Brewing

3. Lavender Tea:
    Lavender tea relaxes the nerves and helps one to sleep better. If taken regularly it helps to reduce the     symptoms of depression and stress. It also helps to relieve bloating and the colic associated with it.

4. Mint Tea:
    Mint's antibacterial properties make it a great mouth freshner tea. It relieves nausea and also reduces     cramps and spasms associated with diarrhoea. Mint tea also helps in reliving cough arising from allergies and     chest infections.

5. Chamomile Tea:
    Chamomile is a flower and when taken in the form of tea relieves anxiety and also relaxes the nerves. It is best when taken at bed time as it relaxes the nerves and also induces sleep.

Wednesday 12 November 2014


A healthy and nutritious diet plays an important role in maintaining the complete health of the body. Veg diet can also help in weight loss, while providing the basic nutrients required by the body. 

5 Vegetarian Foods For Weight Loss

Green Leafy Vegetables : are storehouse of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, proteins and fibers. The green leafy vegetables like Spinach,Kale, Brocolli, Parsley contain less calories and reduce the fat levels in our body.

Nuts and Seeds: are also store house of minerals, proteins, fiber, vitamins. They also have fatty acids, but these are essential fats. Flax seeds, Sesame seeds, peanuts, Walnuts, Pumpkin Seeds, Sunflower Seeds etc not only keep our heart healthy and reduce cholesterol, but also strengthen bones and functioning of brain. Nuts and seeds are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These should be included in our veg diet but in a limited quantity.
nuts and dried fruit 01 hd pictures
Beans and Soya Products: We should incorporate more of dairy products, soya products and beans in a vegetarian diet as they contain sufficient quantity of protein and other nutrients and soluble fibers which help to process fats in our body. Foods like Soya Bean, Baked Beans, Lentils, Black Beans,Tofu, Kidney beans, Chickpeas etc. help to increase our metabolic rate, reduce appetite and help in weight loss.

Cereals and Grains: They are a great source of iron and zinc and give plenty of energy to our body. Cereals like Whole Wheat Bread, Muesli, Brown Rice, Oats, Porridge, Semolina, Barley should be included in our daily diet. They provide us with a lot of nutritional values.

Fruits : They are the best part of our diet. They have less calories and plenty of fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients. For weight loss,go for fruits with high water content like in Watermelon, Muskmelon, Apple, Papaya, Orange, Berries.

Vegetarian Diet Plan To Be Followed for Weight Loss

A vegetarian diet should be such so that it provides all the nutrients required in our body and also help us to loose weight. One can start with the following vegetarian diet.

Morning- empty stomach : Start the day with honey and lemon juice with lukewarm water. This is useful in getting rid of harmful toxins present in our body.

Breakfast: You can take Brown bread with skimmed milk, wheat bran/oats/cornflakes or sprouts or fruit salads. Or  you can also have Vegetable Poha / Upma/Idlis/ Vegetable Daliya with fruits along with skimmed milk

Mid meal : almonds or walnuts handful with green tea/black coffee/ juice . 

Lunch : Chapati without ghee or oil, rice (one small bowl), salad, vegetable(one bowl), dal and curd.

Evening : Any one fruit or Sprouts or nuts or tea with 2 lite biscuits

Dinner: Chapati without ghee or oil, rice (one small bowl), salad, vegetable soup, vegetable, dal.

Before going to bed you can have a glass of skimmed milk or a single fruit. Dinner should be had by 7 p.m.

Along with all the above do not forget to drink 8-12 glasses of water daily. Daily walk, exercise or run for 30 minutes should also be done. Do avoid junk and fried food, sweets and bakery products.

Monday 13 October 2014


When a person feels depressed, it needs attention. Too much stress can make it hard to cope, and important feelings may be suppressed or turned inside. A major loss or grief requires time and emotional support for real recovery—and even a buildup of minor stresses (disappointments, setbacks, trouble in relationships, or work-related problems) can contribute to depression. Dietary deficiencies, allergies and sensitivities, hormonal imbalances, or biochemical conditions may also be involved. A person going through a period of mild sadness or depression may find relief through homeopathy. The guidance of an experienced homeopath is often valuable, to choose a remedy that fits the situation best. Any person with deep, long-lasting, or recurring depression should seek the care of a licensed health professional.

Commonly used HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINES for treatment of depression

Arsenicum album

This remedy is indicated for people who worry unduly about their health or who are perfectionists and overly critical of themselves and others. They are at risk of depression if they fail to reach their own high standards. People who respond to Arsenicum album are often physically worse in cold weather, very sensitive to pain and suffer most between midnight and 2am.
Aurum metallicum
Made from gold and used for people who are workaholics with an excessive sense of duty. This renders them prone to despair, feelings of worthlessness and suicidal thoughts following a perceived failure in their work or personal life. People who do well with Aurum metallicum often feel better by walking outdoors.
Calcium carbonicum
Suits people whose outward strong, dependable and industrious appearance hides a shy and introverted nature. Such people can be left feeling fatigued, anxious, withdrawn and self-pitying by overwhelming work pressures. People who respond to this remedy, which is made from the inner layer of an oyster shell, are chilly people who sweat easily, who periodically feel sluggish and suffer with insomnia– especially when away from home.

Ignatia amara

Suits those who become depressed after trying to suppress feelings of grief, despair or emotional upset at the expense of outbursts of hysteria or mood swings. Such people may suffer from a lump in the throat and frequent bouts of yawning. The remedy is often used after bereavement.

Kali phosphoricum

Benefits people who are normally clear sighted and extrovert, who suffer from the effects of exhaustion from overwork by becoming shy, seeking their own company and flinching at sudden noises. Alongside the change in mood they often develop muscular weakness, yellow discharges and may wake early with hunger pangs.


This remedy made from snake venom can help depression caused by repression, jealousy or suspicion. Suits people who hate commitment and confinement. They may worry about world affairs and be very talkative. Lachesis may treat menopausal depression, particularly if the woman feels worse on waking and suffers with hot sweats.

Natrium carbonicum

Gentle, unselfish people who care deeply for their family and friends may become depressed after a loss or disappointment. They try to hide their feelings from others, which does not help their condition. Constitutionally, they have weak digestive systems and a marked intolerance to dairy products. When suffering, they isolate themselves and may listen to sad music. Natrium carbonicum may help in these cases.

Natrium muraticum

This remedy is helpful for sensitive, refined, serious-minded people, whose inner feelings are strong and may be of anger, grief or fear of losing control. The manner in which they bottle up these feelings may lead to depression. They dislike consolation from others and appear stoical and controlled. They need to be alone to cry and can be moved to tears by music. People benefiting from this remedy often suffer from migraines and are fatigued by the sun.

Pulsatilla nigricans

People needing this remedy appear childlike with emotions that vary from moody and clingy to yielding and sensitive. When depressed, they cry readily and enjoy consolation and need the support of others. Pulsatilla is a useful remedy for depression due to hormonal changes after childbirth or menopause. The woman will often crave sweet foods and put on weight.


Sepia is made from cuttlefish ink. It is used for weary, irritable people – especially when overwhelmed by their responsibilities to family members. They direct their irritability towards loved ones and have trouble in explaining their symptoms. The remedy is used for postnatal depression, loss of libido and menopausal symptoms, especially when accompanied by a sagging feeling in the pelvic area.


Suppressed emotions, particularly rage, that can erupt under severe pressure, can be helped with this remedy. When the person is well they are mild and yielding, but they can be addicted to work. A high sex drive is often present. Stress related headache, toothache and stomachache are pointers to the use of this remedy.


A person who feels depressed because of grief and loss (either recent or over time) may benefit from this remedy. Frequent crying or a feeling of mental dullness and forgetfulness (with anxious checking to see if the door is locked, if the stove is off, etc.) are other indications. People who need this remedy are often deeply sympathetic toward others and, having a strong sense of justice, can be deeply discouraged or angry about the world.
A person who needs this remedy can be energetic and talkative when feeling well, but upset and gloomy when depressed—with exaggerated fears (of insanity, of being attacked, of disaster). Painful menstrual periods and headaches that involve the neck are often seen when this remedy is needed.

These medicines should be used with expert professional advice.

Monday 29 September 2014


 Depression: What Is It?
It's natural to feel down sometimes, but if that low mood lingers day after day, it could signal depression. Major depression is an episode of sadness or apathy along with other symptoms that lasts at least two consecutive weeks and is severe enough to interrupt daily activities. Depression is not a sign of weakness or a negative personality. It is a major public health problem and a treatable medical condition.

Depression Symptoms:

1. Emotional :The primary symptoms of depression are a sad mood and/or loss of interest in life. Activities that were once pleasurable lose their appeal. Patients may also be haunted by a sense of guilt or worthlessness, lack of hope, and recurring thoughts of death or suicide.

2. Physical   : Depression is sometimes linked to physical symptoms. These include:

Fatigue and decreased energy
Insomnia, especially early-morning waking
Excessive sleep
Persistent aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems that do not ease even with treatment
Changes in appetite or weight- another hallmark of depression. Some patients develop increased appetite and some may lose it altogether.
Weight loss or weight gain
 Depression can make other health problems feel worse, particularly chronic pain. Key brain chemicals influence both mood and pain. Treating depression has been shown to improve co-existing illnesses.

Impact on Daily Life

Without treatment, the physical and emotional turmoil brought on by depression can derail careers, hobbies, and relationships. Depressed people often find it difficult to concentrate and make decisions. They turn away from previously enjoyable activities, including sex. In severe cases, depression can become life-threatening.
People who are depressed are more likely to attempt suicide. Warning signs include talking about death or suicide, threatening to hurt people, or engaging in aggressive or risky behavior.

Who’s is at risk of getting depression

Anyone can become depressed, but many experts believe genetics play a role. Having a parent or sibling with depression increases your risk of developing the disorder. Women are twice as likely as men to become depressed.

Causes of Depression

Doctors aren't sure what causes depression, but a prominent theory is altered brain structure and chemical function. Brain circuits that regulate mood may work less efficiently during depression. Drugs that treat depression are believed to improve communication between nerve cells, making them run more normally. Experts also think that while stress -- such as losing a loved one -- can trigger depression, one must first be biologically prone to develop the disorder. Other triggers could include certain medications, alcohol or substance abuse, hormonal changes, or even the season or postpartum depression.

Diagnosing Depression

As of yet, there is no lab test for depression. To make an accurate diagnosis, doctors rely on a patient's description of the symptoms. You'll be asked about your medical history and medication use since these may contribute to symptoms of depression. Discussing moods, behaviors, and daily activities can help reveal the severity and type of depression. This is a critical step in determining the most effective treatment.
Counselling or Talk Therapy for Depression
Studies suggest different types of talk therapy can fight mild to moderate depression. Cognitive behavioral therapy aims to change thoughts and behaviors that contribute to depression. Interpersonal therapy identifies how your relationships impact your mood. Psychodynamic psychotherapy helps people understand how their behavior and mood are affected by unresolved issues and unconscious feelings. Some patients find a few months of therapy are all they need, while others continue long term.

Medications for Depression

Antidepressants affect the levels of brain chemicals, such as serotonin and norepinephrine. There are many options. Give antidepressants a few weeks of use to take effect. Good follow-up with your doctor is important to evaluate their effectiveness and make dosage adjustments. If the first medication tried doesn't help, there's a good chance another will. The combination of talk therapy and medication appears particularly effective

Exercise for Depression

Research suggests exercise is a potent weapon against mild to moderate depression. Physical activity releases endorphins that can help boost mood. Regular exercise is also linked to higher self-esteem, better sleep, less stress, and more energy. Any type of moderate activity, from swimming to housework, can help. Choose something you enjoy and aim for 20 to 30 minutes four or five times a week

       Kevin Breel: Confessions of a depressed comic

Friday 26 September 2014


Phosphoric Acid

Phosphoric acid is a wonderful deep acting constitutional remedy. It is one of the very good remedies for mental debility followed by physical debility, which leads to a host of complaints. Frequently used for complaints of hair loss, diabetes, hemorrhages, debility, depression, gastro-intestinal affections, sexual complaints, etc. Complaints arising due to loss of vital fluids from the body and after acute illnesses. Early hair falling and graying of hair. Hair tends to fall out from the scalp, eyebrows, genitals, etc. When complaints of hair loss come on after acute illnesses like fevers, etc. Phosphoric acid turns out to be a very good remedy. Often the complaints come on after some sorrowful experience and the patient tends to be chronically sad and depressed.

Flouric Acid

It is one of the excellent remedies for hair loss and few of its common indications are as follows: Very good remedy for cases of alopecia areata. Patient has loss of hair especially after fevers. Brittle hair. After fever, patient loses hair in spots from the scalp. Hair loss due to syphilis. Sticking of hair; they are matted together and tangle easily. Falling out of hair after typhoid.

Graphites is a wonderful deep acting constitutional remedy prepared from black lead. Graphites positively influences the skin, nutrition, circulation, gastrointestinal organs, reproductive system, glandular tissues, mind, etc.

Its one of the commonly indicated remedies for hair loss, eczema, callosities, fissures, ulcerations, dyspepsia, chronic constipation, obesity, menstrual complaints, etc.

Graphites is a great remedy for menopausal complaints and it's frequently indicated for various symptoms that develop during the menopausal period. A few of its common indications are: One of the very good remedies for falling out of hair from the entire scalp; also for alopecia patches on the occiput due to moist eruptions on the scalp. Falling of hair at temples. Alopecia in infants.


Sepia is one medicine prepared from inky juice of Cuttle fish.

Sepia,has a broad spectrum of action and is useful for a wide range of disease processes. It positively influences the skin, digestive system, female genital organs, liver, glands, lungs, and nerves. It is one of the most commonly used medicines for hair loss, irritable bowel syndrome, herpes, eczema, urticaria, lichen planus, ring worm, vitiligo, styes and chalazion, asthma, urinary tract infection. It is one of the best medicines for many gynecological and pregnancy related complaints.

It’s an especially good drug for hair loss during the climacteric period, during and after parturition. It’s also a very good remedy for alopecia areata where the hair falls out from the scalp leaving bald patches behind. Good drug for matting of the hair.

Niticum Acidum

Nitricum acidum is a deep acting, constitutional remedy which positively influences the gastrointestinal tract, nerves, glands, skin, bones, etc. Its one of the commonly used drugs for hair loss, vitiligo, warts, ulcers, fissures, gastritis, hemorrhoids, bony and rheumatic affections, malignancy, cachexia, etc. Loss of hair from the vertex. Sensitiveness of the scalp.


Lycopodium is one of the wonderful remedies in Homeopathy.
This drug is frequently prescribed for complaints of hair loss, premature baldness, premature graying of hair. Lycopodium is also one of the commonly prescribed remedies for complaints of the gastro-intestinal organs, reproductive organs, urinary complaints, skin and respiratory disorders. Its frequently prescribed for chronic eczemas where the skin becomes excessively dry and raw from itching. Thick and indurated skin due to eczema. Offensive secretions, fissured eruptions and violent itching are a few of its common indications. The complaints are worse from warmth and better by cold applications.


Phosphorus predominantly acts on the gastrointestinal tract, hepato-biliary system, blood, kidneys, bones, lungs, nervous tissue, etc.

It is frequently used in the homeopathic treatment of hair loss, nephrotic syndrome, hepatitis, cirrhosis, hemorrhagic tendencies, respiratory infections, osteomyelitis, paralytic symptoms, etc. Some of the common indications of this drug are: Falling of hair in large bunches; in spots. Dandruff with intense itching of the scalp. Highly sensitive to external impressions such as light, sound, odors, touch, thunderstorms, etc. Restless, excitable, nervous individuals. Affects the kidneys causing albuminuria and haematuria; patient has profuse, pale, watery urine with intense weakness. There is increased susceptibility to colds amongst children.


Silica positively influences bones and joints, mucous membranes, skin, cellular tissue, nerves, glands, lungs, digestive system, etc. Silica is one of the frequently used medicines for complaints of hair fall, vitiligo, eczema, lichen planus, herpes, urticaria, asthmatic bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, styes and chalazion, trigeminal neuralgia, complaints of nails, tonsillitis, etc. Its frequently prescribed for the complaints of hair loss.

Patients requiring silica usually have tendency of easy suppuration of skin injuries. Silica positively influences nutrition as well and hence its one of the prominent remedies used for rickets in children.

Natrum Muriaticum

Constitutionally, this medicine has a broad spectrum of action, and is useful for a wide range of disease processes affecting the skin, gastrointestinal organs, nose, lungs, kidney, metabolism, muscles, head, hormonal system, etc. It is one of the commonly used remedies for hair loss, fissures, urticaria, migraine, eczema, lichen planus, vitiligo, asthma, etc.

Natrum muriaticum is frequently prescribed in cases of hair  loss especially in anaemic females.

Wednesday 24 September 2014


Natrum Sulph is one of the most important natural homeopathic medicine for treating chronic asthma. This homeopathic remedy is  often asked for treating asthma in children.  It is very useful when asthma is hereditary. Often, asthma that gets aggravated in humid weather and dampness, requires this homeopathic medicine. Wheezing is very important symptom for Natrum Sulph to be used .
 Arsenic Album is one the best homeopathic remedy for all forms of asthma . It is beneficial both in the acute phase and the chronic state. It is often indicated when attacks are frequent during night (midnight and after), accompanied with great restlessness and fear of suffocation on lying down.
 An inter-current course of  Homeopathic medicine Bacillinum will often make a wonderful change in patients who have a personal or family history of asthma and chest infections. This homeopathic medicine is  a deep-acting and  is required for those patients who have asthma and are very sensitive to cold, having a personal or family history of tuberculosis.
 Sambuccus, is one of the main homeopathic remedies for asthma in children when the attacks come on suddenly in the night. The affected child turns blue, gasps for breath and seems as if he or she is almost dying. Then the little one goes to sleep and wakes up with another attack. Many such attacks can occur in one night. Another characteristic of this wonderful natural homeopathic medicine is that the skin becomes entirely dry and there is a burning sensation when he or she falls asleep. The patient breaks into profuse sweat immediately on waking.
 Kali Bichrome a “certain remedy” if attacks are after-midnight (from 3 a.m to 4 a.m). Relief is obtained from sitting up and bending forward, and from the expectoration of stringy mucus. It is indicated for attacks that are liable to return in winter. It is also useful in bronchial asthmatic breathing.
 Nux Vomica is for difficult breathing associated with a feeling of fullness and heaviness in the stomach, particularly manifested after a major meal. The symptoms are aggravated after the meal, in the morning, and are increased by cold air. Belching provides relief to symptoms of asthma. It is sometimes useful also in difficult breathing arising from gastric disturbance.
Where there is much abdominal irritation present with much flatulence (gas), Carbo Veg should be thought off. Carbo Veg also corresponds to asthma in the aged who are much debilitated and are in search of breath. Passing of wind gives relief .
Remedies Nux Vomica and Carbo Veg are invaluable in controlling acute asthmatic attacks. Self-medication should be avoided in such chronic disorders.
 Coughing spasms that lead to retching or vomiting strongly indicate this remedy. Wheezing can come on suddenly with a feeling of suffocation and heaviness in the chest. Mucus collects in breathing tubes, but the person has difficulty coughing much out. The person may sweat a lot and feel clammy or nauseous, be worse from motion, and sometimes worse from warmth.
A hard or “barking” cough during an asthma attack is a strong indication for this remedy. Breathing can be labored, with a sawing sound, and not much mucus is produced. The person may feel best when sitting up and tilting the head back, or when leaning forward. Warm drinks may be helpful. The problems often start while the person is asleep (typically before midnight). Spongia is often used in croup, as well.

Homeopathy Dosage Directions

Select the remedy that most closely matches the symptoms. In conditions where self-treatment is appropriate, unless otherwise directed by a physician, a lower potency (6X, 6C, 12X, 12C, 30X, or 30C) should be used. 

Tuesday 23 September 2014


Bharti Bhasin: ASTHMA AND ITS CAUSES: Asthma  is a chronic  lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways. Asthma causes recurring periods of wheezing (a whistling sound w...

Monday 22 September 2014



There are certain medicines in homoeopathy which are commonly used. These medicines
 should be taken in the 6th or 30th potency. Generally, if there is minor pain or discomfort, 
you should take the medicine three times a day till you feel better. If there is more severe  
pain, you can consider taking the medicine every one to three hours, decreasing the doses 
as symptoms are reduced. If you do not observe some improvement after 24 hours in an
 acute condition, the medicine is probably not the correct one. If symptoms persist, consider 
another medicine or seek professional homeopathic care.
Allium cepa (onion): Because it is known to cause tearing of the eyes and dripping of the 
nose, it is a frequent remedy for the common cold and hay fever, especially when there is 
a thin, watery, and burning nasal discharge that irritates the nostrils. Typically, the person's 
symptoms are worse in a warm room and are relieved in a cool room or in the open air.
Arnica (mountain daisy): This is the #1 remedy in sports medicine and first aid. It is used
for shock and trauma from injury. It also helps to reduce pain from injury and to speed the
 healing process. Whether you're into competitive sports or exercise regularly or if you
simply don't like to feel the pain of an injury, Arnica is the place to start.
Chamomilla (chamomille): Many parents owe their sleep to homeopathy, not because it
 helps them directly, but because it is so good for their infant. Chamomilla is THE remedy
 for the irritable infant, especially from teething or colic. The infant cries incessantly, and
nothing seems to provide any relief, except carrying them, and even then, the crying
begins recurs as soon as the parent puts the child down.
Hypericum (St. John's wort): This remedy is the first medicine to consider for injuries to
nerves or to parts of the body rich with them, including the fingers, toes, and back. Any
injury with shooting pains should be given this remedy.
Ignatia (St. Ignatius bean): One day this remedy will be used by the majority of
psychiatrists. It is one of the leading homeopathic medicines for acute grief, anxiety, and
depression, especially after a death or separation from a loved one. The person sighs
frequently, has a lump in the throat, and may tremble.
Magnesia phosphorica (phosphate of magnesia): This is the most effective remedy for
 cramps, including menstrual cramps. It is particularly indicated when a woman's cramps 
cause her to bend over and when they experience some relief from warm applications.
Nux vomica (poison nut): This is the premier medicine for ailments exacerbated by
conventional or recreational drugs. It is also a common remedy for treating symptoms
of overeating or from drinking too much alcohol. Considering how many people have
these vices, this is an all too frequent medicine today.
Pulsatilla (windflower): Perhaps the most common remedy given to both children and
women, this medicine is not indicated for a specific disease but for a specific pattern of
physical symptoms and psychological characteristics. Physically, these people are
warm-blooded: they wear less clothes than others, prefer open air, and don't feel as
 well in the heat. Psychologically, they are a gentle, mind, and yielding person, with a
 quickly changing emotional state and a strong tendency to want to please others.
Rhus tox (poison ivy): This medicine is the most common remedy for sprains and
strains. It is especially indicated when a person experiences a "rusty gate" syndrome,
 that is, pain on initial motion which is reduced the more the person continues to move.
It is also often given to people with the flu or arthritis who experience this similar rusty
gate syndrome.

Tuesday 2 September 2014

What is Alternative Medicine

                                          Alternative Medicine

            Alternative Medicine is any practice that is done to have healing effects of medicine  but which is not based on evidence gathered using the scientific method. It consists of wide range of health care practices like Homoeopathy, Naturopathy, Chiropractic, Energy medicine, acupuncture, traditional chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine etc. Alternative medicine also contains wide range range of health care practices, products and therapies. The common feature in all these is to healing which is not based on the scientific methods.


Homoeopathy is a greek term derived from the two words 'homoios' and 'pathos'  means like suffering. It was created in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann based on his doctrine of like cures like.
A substance that causes the symptoms of a disease in healthy people will also cure the similar symptoms in sick people.
The remedies are prepared by repeatedly diluting a chosen substance in alcohol or distilled water. Homoeopaths select remedies by considering the totality of the patient's symptoms his physical and psychological state and life history and matching them with various remedies by referring repertories.

             Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic medicine is based on the principle that the body heals itself by using a supernatural energy that controls all the body processes. Many naturopaths oppose vaccination.

            Traditional Chinese Medicine 

Traditional chinese medicine consists of a combination of all traditional practices and beliefs developed over thousands of year in China. These practices include acupuncture, massage, exercise and diet therapy. These practices believe in  supernatural energy called chi.
             Ayurvedic Medicine

Ayurvedic Medicine is a traditional medicine of India which believes that health can be influenced by use of traditional herbs. It is based on the use of plant based medicines and treatments with some added minerals.

         There are certain  other traditional  medical practices like Reiki which believe that the supernatural energies flow from the palms of the healer into the patient .

         Acupuncture is also a part of traditional chinese medicine. It is believed that use of needles in acupuncture at various parts of the body can restore balance to the blocked flows and hence cure disease.

          Yoga  is also another method of healing through stretches, exercises,and meditations.